Page 331 - Arabian Gulf Intellegence
P. 331

MUSKAT—BAHREIN.                         289

               Vi.__On the Coast of Oman, the Imaum’s territory extends from
                                   Ttas-ool-IIud to Sohar. In addition to his herc-
              Boundarics of Territory, <Jitary dominions on the Arabian and African
             and estimated Area in
             Square Miles.         Coasts, the lmanm holds in possession the
                                   islands of Ormus and Kishm, and the tribes on
             the Mukran Coast between Fask and Pussem acknowledge him as
             their feudal lord.  No correct estimate can be formed of the area of the
             Imaum’s possessions.
               VII.—The Imaum’s territory in Oman is for the most part barren and
                                   mountainous, but contains many extensive and
               Prevailing Nature of the
             Soil, Usual Mode of Irriga­  fertile valleys, in which water is generally found
             tion, and general Features g00d and abundant, and is raised to the surface
             of the Counti).       by means of the Persian wheel. The islands of
             Kishm and Ormus are barren and unproductive.
               VIII. and IX.—Muskat, as a general commercial entrepot, possesses
                                   considerable trade. Its manufacture of coarse
               Natural and Industrial
             Resources ; Routes, Ap­  stuffs, in use amongst Arabs, is insignificant.
             proaches, and Means of The principal article of export is dried fish;
             and”Water.atl°n ^ ^and  from the Mukran Coast hides and wool are
                                   brought in small quantities for exportation. The
             harbour of the town, though small, is good and safe. The coast else­
             where is generally open, and more or less accessible from the sea.
             Little or nothing is known of the interior of Oman.
               X.—The climate is generally considered unhealthy. In summer,
               Climate, and average   the heat in the valleys and on the coast is
             Range of Thermometer.  excessive.
                XI.—The Imaum could probably muster for the defence of his
                                   Arabian dominions from twelve to fifteen
               Estimated Population,
                                   thousand fighting men. No other data can be
             supplied for estimating the population.


                I.—Predominant tribe, a branch of the Uttoobees, originally
               Name, Title, and Age of from Koweit- Patronymic of the ruling family,
             Chief-                A1 Khaleefa.
                Mahomed bin Khaleefa bin Sulman bin Ahmed bin Khaleefa, Chief
             of Bahrein ; age forty-one years. This chief and his immediate relatives
             or clan are commonly designated A1 Sulman, from their common
             grandfather, to distinguish them from the rival branch of the family,
             now called A1 Abdoolla.
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