Page 399 - Arabian Gulf Intellegence
P. 399
his object being, it was supposed, to march with his forces in aid
of the Wahabecs; and on the 4th of December we learn from another
communication that the combined forces of Shaikh Sultan, Muktoom
bin Butye, and ITumeed bin Rashid, set out from Shargah with Syud.
bin Mootluk, and the remnant of the Nujdces, to attack Shaikh Syud
at Brymce. The Joasmce had now therefore plainly identified himself
with the cause of the Wahabees, and was at open war with the Chief
of the Beniyas. How matters would have ended, or what would have
been the next step of the Joasmees, had hostilities continued, it is
difficult to say. No general engagement, however, took place between
the contending armies.
Peace was concluded in February 1849, and the Brymee forts
restored to the Wahabee commander,—all things
a. d. 1849.
to all parties reverting to the condition they were
in before the strife commenced.
Shaikh Sultan had for some time past been planning an expedition
against Khore Fukaun, a port on the Batinah Coast, now in the pos
session of His Excellency Syud Soweynee ; but, owing to the strong
terms in which both Syud bin Mootluk and Shaikh Muktoom of
Debaye expressed their aversion to the proposed measure, he abandoned
the plan.
In the early part of the ensuing year, however, when the Sohar Chief
sought his assistance against the Muskat autho
A. D. 1S50.
rities, who had seized upon his brother, and
invaded his territories, Shaikh Sultan gave ear to the request, and
finding that Syud Ghes promised, in the event of being freed from
his obnoxious opponent, to aid and support the Joasmee in reco
vering his lost possessions upon the Batinah Coast, as also to pay
tribute, the same in amount as he had hitherto paid the VVahabee, assist
ance was speedily proffered.
The Joasmee troops were yet on the way, when they were met
by Syud Ghes, who, having successfully resisted the convulsive
efforts of the Muskat Governor to take the fort of Sohar, had driven
His Excellency Syud Soweynee to retreat from the neighbourhood,
and return to Muskat. The combined chiefs now proceeded at
once against the fort of Shinas, and, after a stout resistance had been
offered, compelled the place to capitulate on the 10th May 1S50.
They were equally successful in their attacks upon Ghulla and Khore
Fukaun, and having thus reduced the whole of the Batinah Coast
from Mery a to Cape Musseldom to a state of subjection, and come
to a satisfactory understanding of the partition to be made, they both
returned to their seals.