Page 403 - Arabian Gulf Intellegence
P. 403
was abandoned, and affairs were peaceably settled, Shaikh Sultan
thereon returned to Shargah, and wailed upon Captain Kemball on the
4lh May 1853, on board the Honorable Company’s sloop-of-war Clive.
That ofliccr did not fail to upbraid him for the detention to which his
protracted stay at Brymee had subjected him, and to make him fully
aware how distasteful his late proceedings would be to the British
Government, when they learned that it was their old and faithful ally
the Tmaum of Muskat he so basely was striving to harm and injure.
The subject of the new treaty for a lasting peace being brought under /'
discussion, Shaikh Sultan exhibited considerable readiness to become
a member thereto, and affixed his seal to the document without hesita
tion or demur.