Page 480 - Arabian Gulf Intellegence
P. 480


                         39. Remonstrances having been made to the Chiefs of the Wahabees
                       j;n:l of Ras-ool-Khyma for some captures made by the Joasmees, Hussein
                       [ A Mahomed bin Gaith arrived at Bushire, as the Agent of the
                        .nsmee Chief, Hussein bin Rahmah, and with letters from the Waha-
                        -e Shaikh, disapproving of the conduct of the former, and of his tribe,
                       •i i  1 binding himself to compel Ilnssein bin Rahmah to deliver up such
                       1 ' vperty as we could prove they had captured.
                         •JO. Ibrahim Pacha, prosecuting the advantages he had obtained
                                             over  the Wahabees, again defeated them at
                            a. d. 1818.
                                              Manwiah, seven     stages from the capital of
                       V«*riah. Abdoolla bin Saood retreated to Bundah, in the district of
                       •’ .. sime, four stages from Deriah. Following up this success, Ibrahim
                         :< ha invested and reduced the Wahabee capital on the 10th of Sep-
                       *   :ber, destroyed the fortifications, towers, and plantations of date
                        • es, and removed the inhabitants to Lahsa, which he intended to
                      •. * tblish as the seat of government.
                         i 1. Abdoolla bin Saood was made a prisoner on this occasion, and
                      *   i off, with five others, under an escort, to be delivered over to the
                      *  #.’:oy, Mahomed Ali Pacha. The Wahabee Shaikh’s family were to
                      1 • sent to Medina, until the orders of the Porte should be received.
                      : iv'ef, the principal seaport belonging to the Wahabees, next surren-
                      ('  : :1 to the Turkish troops, and Ibrahim Pacha’s army having been
                      ! i .iited by considerable reinforcements from Egypt, he detached a
                      :  ;*a against Beriami, bordering on the province of Oman, which was
                         :.)crly subject to the Turkish Government; and was preparing to
                          r k Ras-ool-Khyma and the pirate ports, Abdoolla bin Ahmed, the
                      i .ikh of Bahrein, offering whatever vessels might be requisite for
                       i • iransport of troops against those places.
                          3. Thus rose and fell—it is to be hoped never to rise again the
                      • /. '.ordinary sect of the Wahabees, under whose protection and en-
                       > , T igement maritime depredations were carried on    in the Gulf, and
                          lie Indian seas, with a degree of success, audacity, and barbarity,
                       ; :
                          jh has been surpassed only by the atrocities of the Algerines in
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