Page 520 - Arabian Gulf Intellegence
P. 520
his party threw twenty-five bodies overboard, and that the same number
were taken away wounded. This makes thirty-three killed in this boat
alone, and it is highly gratifying to me to find that none of the survivors
originally belonging to the vessel were hurt by us. Two of them had
been cut and slabbed by the pirates, and two others injured in the
contest with them. They abandoned the Buggalow about 4 r. M.,
preferring the peril of a raft to again falling into the hands of the pirates,
whom they expected to return. The other Buggalow must have suffered
much more, and it is a matter of deep regret that we could not get up
with her. Salim states that it was the intention of the pirates, after taking
the Nassir, to proceed to Ras-ool-Iiud, for the purpose of committing
more depredations.”
This exhibition of the determination and power to put down piracy
very materially facilitated the attainment of our objects, and accelerated
compliance with the demands now made, of which the following is a
list, enumerating the various vessels plundered, not. including the
Muskat brig Curlew, the British Buggalow Durya Dowlut, and various
boats belonging to the Joasmees and others (between whom, however,
and the Beniyas war had again lately broken out) :—
List of the demands to he made on the Chief of Ahootliabee, in compen
sation for the outrages committed by the Beniyas on the peaceable
Arabs of the Persian Gulf.
Value of Vessels
Number. Description of Vessels. and Cargoes, in
German Crowns.
1 Muskat Buggalow and cargo .............. 10,000
2 Bahrein Buteel.............................. 439
4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 15 Boats of various descriptions of Lingah 5,903
3 Bahrein Buggalow (Nukhlowe)........... 500
6 Nukhlowe Buggarah (Mahomed) .. .. 250
7 Lingah Buggarah.................... .............. 250
11 Karrack Buggalow............................... 500
12 Bushire Buggarah.................................. 300
13 Moolla Hussein.......................................
14 Losses inflicted on people of Bassadore 439
16 Bunder Malla, &c.................................. 500
17 Bin Saleh’s Buteel ............................... 250
18 Sooedad’s Buteel.................................. 4,500
19 Congoon Buggalow...............................
Total 24,597
India, touching at
Beniyas Buteel, with a valuable cargo from