Page 559 - Arabian Gulf Intellegence
P. 559

EJMAN.                             515

              invitation of the Chief of Hecra, repaired in person to Ejman, and
              mediated a peace between the contending parties.
                Humeed bin Rashid had scarcely been chief a couple of months ere
              he espoused the cause of the defeated Wahabee, and joined the league
              against Shaikh Syud at JBrymee. VYliat part, if any, he took in the
              skirmishes that were fought with the Chief of the Beniyas, does not
              appear. Of his subsequent proceedings no mention is made. We
              simply gather, from a letter addressed to Major Hcnnell, on the 8th of
              December 1848, that he set out on the 4th of the month with the Nuj-
              dees, Joasmccs, and Boo Felasa, to attack the holders of Brymee.
                A general peace was concluded in February 1849, in the terms of
             which Humeed bin Rashid was of course included.
                In the spring of 1850, when the Joasmee repaired with his allies to
             Sohar and the Batinah Coast, for the purpose of assisting Syud Ghes,
             repelling Shaikh Syud, and contending with Syud Soweynee, Shaikh
             Humeed bin Rashid proceeded to Zeit, to join Shaikh Sultan, with a
             detachment of two hundred men.
               Not one single mailer of interest remains to be told, affecting this
             tribe, further than a simple mention of the Treaty for Perpetual Peace
             at Sea,* entered into by the Maritime Chiefs of the Arabian Coast, to
             the conditions of which Shaikh Humeed bin Rashid exhibited the
             greatest readiness to subscribe in the month of May 1853.

                                   * Vide page 8S of this Selection.

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