Page 21 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883
P. 21
Terms of a mutual agreement entered into by the Trucial Chiefs of
the >Omdn Coast through the medium of Uajee Abut Kassim, Moon-
shee, specially deputed on this service, and Uajee Aldur Rahman9
Government Agent, Arab Coast.
[Unflen on the 3rd Rcjeb 129G, corresponding with 24th June 1879.)
Preliminary.—Since it is to the interest of all the Trucial Chiefs to
combine mutually for the prevention of their subjects absconding for fraud
from one territory and taking asylum in another, especially as regards
divers and sailors, on this account we, whose seals and signatures are
attacked to this document, hereby agree and bind ourselves, in the presence
of Hajee Abul Kassim, Residency Moonshec, specially deputed for giving
effect to this object, and Ilajee Abdur ltahman, Government Agent, to
give aid in every way possible in preventing such runaways from obtain
ing aid or asylum in our countries.
Therefore in accordance with this agreement wc consent—
W.—In the event of a runaway seeking refuge in our territories,
whether by sea or land, to consider it our duty to at once restore him to
the Chief from whose jurisdiction he may have absconded.
~nd.—In the event of its being proved that a runaway is protected
by any Chief, and not delivered up, or his liability accepted, when de
manded by the Government Agent, such Chief shall be liable to a line
of 50 dollars in addition’to all just claims proven against such runaway.
3rd.—Further, if the Chief harbouring such runaway, refuse to
deliver him up, or accept his liabilities when demanded by the Govern
ment Agent, and permit him to proceed to the pearl banks in pursuance
of his vocation, such Chief shall be liable to a fine of 100 dollars in
addition to all just proven claims against the runaway.
4th.—When facts are disputed, a Council of Arbitration will be
convened at which the Government Agent will preside, the disputing
parties, and all the Trucial Chiefs sending delegates, or, if they wish,
attending themselves. The decision of the Council to be binding^ only
when confirmed by Her Britannic Majesty's Political Resident in the
Persian Gulf.
5th.—These fines are only to be enforced when Her Britannic Majes
ty^ Resident in the Persian Gulf has satisfied himself that the Chief
complained against is really in fault and fairly liable.
We, therefore, have written and put our signatures and seals to thin