Page 230 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883
P. 230
List op Fish found in the Persian Gulp and 'Oman Waters
No. Name. Arabic name. Persian name. Remark*.
1 Whnle or CSram- Nabam or JirAra Nahang Not pursued »y>l«u.
pus-Delphinus. (M.) atically.
2 j Porpoise (Fhoooe- D o o k h s. or Dookhs and Knr- Oil used.
na Communis) Dooghs (M.) raboo at Kislim.
3 KAr
4 Fajmah
5 , Turtle (Clielouia) Hamas Ghevlam Kasah Pusbt or The Hawk’s bill (Hi.
(M.) i>ang-i-Pusht. Imbricata) is the
species most com-
mun, and the Cara-
pace is exported a's
tortoise shell. The
flesh is eaten by
Sunnce Mahomme-
6 • Ditto Shceroo Oil only used.
! Different species Jerjoor or Bomba k-( a t Sharks are caught by
! of sharks. Yeryoor. P 1. Hi dim) Koolee. the Arabs in enor
1 J or Sjeer. mous numbers and
' are very profitable.
The dried fins and
tails go to Bombay for
re-export to China.
The flesh is largely
eaten by the Arabs,
and is considered to
____ apbrodisucal
powers; it is also nsed
as manure. The
dried flesh is called
AwAl in Muscat
The Persian S h l a n
Mahommedans do
not eat the flesh.
7 Hammer-beaded Boo-Karoon ... AgrAn Considered dangerous.
shark (Cestra
don Zjgaena.)
8 MA'Ikeeb
9 El-Tbamiwee ...
10 El-ShitAfee
11 EMUWeo
12 Spotted shark ... El-NirarAnee ... Considered dangerous