Page 226 - PERSIAN 2 1879_1883
P. 226


                     to five hours. Fish usually caught arc: ' Mala sauce/ 'Sobevtoe*
                     4 Rash goo/ * Sha'am/ * Goaf/ Biyah/ &c. This net is used all the* rear
                     rouud and is fished at night
                         4 Asharee' or 4 Ghohat/ a very large net, three fathoms broad by
                     fifty to eighty in length, meshes about five iuches, ten or twelve are
                     joined and paid out from a boat in deep water at nightfall and taken up
                     in the morning. It is not used on moonlight nights as the sharks nee
                     the fish in it and tear the net in catching them. The fish usually
                     caught are : * Kan’ad9 or * Shecrmahcc/ * Khabat/ 4 Sobcytce/ * Halwa
                     Siyah/ 4 Kliaroo/ * Gobab/ &c. This net is used in the cold weather.
                         4 Fuwalij/ similar to * Asharee/ but stronger and not so large, being
                     only one fathom in width, meshes eight or nine inches, fished in same
                     manner as * Asharee/ except that it may be used on moonlight nights
                     as it is strong enough to catch sharks. Fish generally caught are:
                     4 Ilalwa Sufeyd/ ‘ Gobab/ ' Kharoo/ * Sang-i-Sar/ 4 Sada/ 4 Jerajecr/ or
                     4 Bombak* of various kinds, &c. This net is fished in March, April aud
                         4 Yel/ an immense bag net with extremely small meshes, month
                     about forty feet by twelve with long bag behind. This net is dragged
                     along and catches all kinds of fish from * Metoot/ one iuch long up to
                     sharks. It is used in the hot weather.
                         * Munsub/ a net about t wenty fathoms long and one to onc-half broad,
                     meshes four inches, used near shore and placed so as to form an enclosure
                     with an opening facing the shore, and one end of the net stretched from
                     the o pening in a straight line for some distance towards the shore. Fish
                     usually caught are : 4 Kharoo/ 4 Biyah/ * Sha’ain/ * Sobcytce/ * Gabgoob'
                     (crabs), * Kiraishah/ &c. The net is left stationary, and the fish caught
                     collected either by day or night when the tide is out. This net is fished
                     all the year round except when the cold is excessive.
                         4 Goofa/ a small shrimp net, shared somewhat like a landing net,
                     catches 4 ltubiyan/ (Persian * Maygoo*) (shrimps). Shrimps arc caught
                     usually in March, April and May.
                         The nets are weighted at the bottoms with stones, except the 'Saliyah*
                     and 'Goofa/ and floated with the 'Tapool' or thick ends of the date
                     palm branches.
                         The ' Hidra' or 4 Hadl^ah^ This is a large trap enclosure formed
                     usually of branches of the date palm skilfully fastened together with
                     coir string and fixed upright firmly by ropes and by stones at the bottom.
                     It is fixed near the shore, or off banks dry at low water, with the open­
                     ing next the shore. Some are in such shallow water that they become
                     quite dry at low water when the fish are picked up. In others from
                     half to one fathom of water remain at low tide when the fish are taken
                     out by nets. ' Hadbrahs* are used extensively all round the Island of
                     Bahrain and elsewhere in the Gulf. The fish usually caught   are:
                     ' Mutahilu/ ‘ Goaf/ ‘ Rubiyan/ ' Wab&r/ 'Malasanee/ 'Sobeytee/'  Gib-
                     goob/ ' Oom/ ' Fareyal/ 4 Ghulee/ ' Gurgufau/ 4 Safee/ &c.
                         4 Gargoor/ This is a large wicker-work globular basket, like an
                     enormous wire mousetrap, with fuuuel-shaped boles opening in from tbs
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