Page 581 - Neglected Arabia (1916-1920)
P. 581



                      /^yissionary personalia

                     In accordance with the arrangements already made and announced
                providing for Missionaries of the Arabian Mission sharing in the
                Y. M. C. A. work in Mesopotamia, Rev. G. J. Pennings has com­
                menced his year of service and is proceeding toward Baghdad.                               i
     :               Rev. E. E. Calverley has also taken up his three months of service
                with the Y. M. C. A. connected with the Mesopotamian Expeditionary
                Forces, his last letter coming from Makina. Basrah.

                    Dr. P. W. Harrison, whose visit to the inland capital at Riadh in
                1918 attracted so much attention because of its significance, has been
                invited to make a second trip to this capital, the circumstance of the
                widespread epidemic of influenza being the immediate occasion of the
                present visit. The ravages of this disease seem to have spread over
                the world, countries in Asia suffering especially from its severity.

                    Dr. and Mrs. Mylrea have recently received a signal evidence of
                the friendliness of the Sheikh of Kuweit, who has paid a formal visit
                to the Missionaries at their residence and has given to the Mission a
                piece of property immediately adjoining the present Mission Compound.
                This gift involves a piece of land running full length along the Mission
                Property about three hundred feet, with varying width from forty-five
               to ninety feet, a very substantial gift and evidence of friendly relations.

                    Dr. Samuel M. Zwemer, who has been serving the Laymen’s Mis­
                sionary Movement during the winter, is to devote the month of April
                to addresses within our own Denomination. His effective and vigorous
               co-operation will undoubtedly greatly promote the plans of the Board
                in the last weeks of the fiscal year.

                    Dr. Sarah L. Hosmon i is now     visiting the Women’s Auxiliary So-
               cieties in the Eastern Churches, having reached New York on the first
                   March.                                                                                  ;
                ,   ^r* an<3 Mrs. Louis P. Dame, under appointment to the Arabian
                ^ sion, have undertaken private practice for a brief period in Porto
               . 1C0, w^ere Dr. Dame was connected with the Armv Medical Serv­
               ice Tf ‘                                                  '
               latte lS exPectec^ Dr. an(l Mrs* Dame will sail for Arabia in the
                      Part of August.
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