Page 585 - Neglected Arabia (1916-1920)
P. 585

                                                                                                           i •

                                 The Arabian Mission                                                       ':

                                                  TRUSTEES                                                 ;?
                                     Rev. Henry E. Cobb, D.D., President,                                   *
                        Rev. J. P. Searle, D.D., Vice-Pres.,      Rev. J. H. Whitehead,
                       Rev. Lewis Francis, D.D.,                   Mr. John Bingham,
                        Rev. T. H. Mackenzie, D.D.                Mr. E. E. Olcott.                      >

                                           HONORARY TRUSTEES
                                   W. A. Buchanan, Esq., London, England
       ?                           Rev. James Cantine, D.D., Basrah, Mes.                                   I!
       •:                                                                                                   ; .I
                               Rev. S. M. Zwemer, D.D., LL. D., Holland, Mich
       »                                           OFFICERS
       i          Rev. \V. I. Chamberlain, Ph.D., Foreign Sec., 25 East 22d Street, N. Y.
                  F. M. Potter, Associate Secretary and Treas., 25 East 22d Street, N. Y.
       !          Rev. \V. J. Van Kersen, District Secretary,                   Holland, Mich.
       I                                        MISSIONARIES
       i                                                                Evangelistic Work.
       I          Rev. and Mrs. James Cantine.    Basrah.Mesopotamia.   Literary Work.
                                                  Holland, Mich.
       !          Re\. and Mrs. S. M. Zwemer,.                          Temporary Appointment.              !
       !          Rev. and Mrs. Fred J. Barny,    Madanapalle. S. India.
                  Rev. Jas. E. Moerdyk,           Basrah, Mesopotamia.  Educational Work.
        I         Rev. and Mrs. J. Van Ess.       Basrah, Mesopotamia.   Educational Work.
                  NGss J. A. Scardefield.         Kuweit. P. G.         Evang. Sc Medical Work.
                  Miss Fanny Lutton,              NCaskat, Arabia.      Evangelistic Work.
        1         Rev. and Mrs. D. Dvkstra.       Bahrein, P. G.         Educational Work.
        1                                                                Medical Work.
                  Dr. and Mrs. C. S. G. Mylrea,   Kuweit, P. G.
                  Rev. Gerrit J. Pennings,        Basrah, Mesopotamia.  Y. M. C. A. Work.
                  Rev. and Mrs. E. E. Calverley,   Kuweit. P. G.         Evang. Sc Medical Work.
        ;         Dr. and Mrs. P. W. Harrison,    Bahrein, P. G.        Medical Work.
                  Rev. Sc Mrs. G. D. Van Peursem,   Maskat. Arabia.      Evang. Sc Medical Work.
        !                                                                Educational Work.
                  Mrs. Sharon J. Thoms.           Basrah. Mesopotamia.
        :          Miss Sarah L. Hosmon. M.D.     Morganfield, Ky.      On Furlough.
                  Miss Gertrud Schathcitlin,      Canning, Nova Scotia.  On Furlough.
                                                                         Educational Work.
        t          Miss Charlotte B. Kellien,     Maskat, Arabia.                                           i
        *          Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bilkert,   Bahrein, P. G.         Language Study.
                   Miss M. C. Van Pelt.           Bahrein, P. G.        Language Study.
                   Address all letters to Missionaries in the field, Via Bombay.


                   ing are not confined to the Reformed Outre .  *      -fts an(j special donations
          amonK its supporters and its missionaries. «->  ‘ jn Arabia. Reintlar con-
                   ‘•re invited from all who are interested in     ••vec|ected Arabia." All con­
                   tributors will be placed upon the mailing h»t tci   ‘ J- ( i,c sent to “THE
                   tributions. or applications for literature or tntormat.on .not a
                   ARABIAN’ MISSION'." 25 East 22nd Street. New 'fork.

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