Page 387 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 387

                                                  BERBERA.                 [CH.

                                               CHAPTER XVIII.

                              Causes which led to the discovery of Berbera—Description—
                                A Sumali — Houses — Arms — Population—Trade—Markets
                                —Produce— Coffee — Bazar— Water—Banians—Character of
                                the natives of Berbera — Dress — Description of a Battle—
                                National Councils—War Songs—Robbers—Converts to Mo­
                                hammedanism—Tomb— Commercial intercourse with Abyssinia.

                              The harbour and mart of Berbera is situated
                              on the western or African side, just without
                              the straits of Babelmandeb.
                                Though occasionally visited by small ves­
                              sels from America, India, and the Isle of
                              France, it remained almost unknown to Euro­
                              peans until 1826, when the Bombay Govern­
                              ment having received intelligence that a brig
                              from the Mauritius had been seized there, and
                              part of her crew barbarously murdered, de­

                              spatched an expedition against it. The Eng­
                              lish squadron fully brought about the object
                              for which it had been sent; yet beyond this
                              little occurred worthy of narration. Directly
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