Page 390 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 390

XVIII.]             BERBERA.                 363

         formed elastic weapon, which they manage
        with considerable adroitness. Their spears,
         usually eight or ten feet in length, are adapted
         for both thrusting and throwing, as the dis­

         tance between the combatants will admit.
        They also cut and hack with the edge of the
        blade ; each individual carries two, three, and
         sometimes more.
           The permanent residents are very few, not
         exceeding, during the warm months, a dozen
         families; but from the month of September
         to that of April in the following year, during
         which time an annual fair or mart is held,
         the influx of Sum&lis and other-visiters swells
         the amount from seven to sometimes ten
         thousand souls; but the number and cha­
         racter of these is constantly changing, for the

         first caravans remain no longer than until
         they have disposed of their merchandise, and
         others from various quarters successively ar­

         rive and depart throughout the season.
           The object of these Africans in thus resort­
         ing in such multitudes to the mart at Berbera,
         is to barter the various articles produced in
         the interior, for others which are brought from
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