Page 437 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 437

                                               SOUTHERN ARABIA.              [ch.
                                He seemed very desirous to establish      a more

                                extended commercial intercourse between
  m                             India and Aden, and produced the treaty
                                which his predecessor had, with the same
                                view, entered into with Sir Home Popham ;
 I                              but during his lifetime it is not likely this

  ;V                            will ever be effected.
 m                                Sultan Mahassan is about seventy years of
                                age, low of stature, of a corpulent habit,
  I                             and a grave and saturnine disposition ; and it

 4                              might easily be perceived that he was greatly
                                feared by all around him. The predominant
                                feature in his character is avarice. His uncle
                                Ahmed, from whom he inherited the greater
                                part of the treasure he now possesses, is de­
                                scribed to have been the bravest and the
                                most politic of the chiefs of Yemen. He en­
                                couraged commerce, invited merchants from
                                India and Egypt to reside in his territories,
                                had a well-organised body of troops at his
                                disposal, and Aden then bid fair to recover
                                some portion of its lost importance ; but Sul­
                                tan Mahassan in nowise resembles him : from
 I                              the time he first assumed the government
                                until the present hour, his time has been                  I
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