Page 442 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 442
same towns. This induced me to make some
inquiries respecting the filiation of the tribe.
The details are not very interesting; but as
they are brief, I shall give them. There are
six principal tribes in Jaffa, the Bareiki,
the Beni Nayi, the Beni Dummiri, and the
Kaseidi, who reside in an extensive valley
called Dumakub. Aly Ney, the Sheikh of
Shaher, is a Bareiki, the ancestor of Abdel
Abib, at Makullah, a Kaseidi; the other two
reside in a separate portiqn of the district,
and are called Beni Goseidi and Maliudi.
Jaffa would be well worth the attention of a
traveller. Its inhabitants boast of having
never been subdued, and their habits have in
all probability remained unchanged from the
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earliest period. Such of its people as I fell
in with appear to have reached a degree of
politeness and civilisation beyond those of
most other parts of Arabia.
The Jaffa and the Heshed and Bekeyl
are the two most powerful tribes to the east
ward of Sana. The former neither emigrate
nor fight out of their own country; the latter
do both: many of them proceed to India, and
engage in the service of the native princes.