Page 60 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 60
M.j t6r TO SUEZ. 41
were approaching their watering-place. Here
we found about twenty turbid pools, exceed
ingly nauseous both in taste and smell: the
shipping are, however, supplied with some of
comparatively better, though still very indif
ferent quality, from a well a short distance to
the southward of the other. Interspersed
amidst these pools, there are about twenty
clumps of palms, the branches of which are
so thickly interwoven, that they form a dense,
impervious mass, affording to the Arab, where
no other can be obtained, a shelter from the
piercing northerly winds which prevail here
at this season.
January 30th. On the following morning
we continued along the sea-shore until we
arrived opposite to Suez; and, on the party
being discovered, a boat was despatched, in
which we crossed to the town : we should
otherwise have been compelled to have
fetched a circuit of some hours round the arm
of the sea, which extends here a considerable
distance to the northward.
Notwithstanding so much has been written
on the subject of the passage of the Israelites
through the waters of the Red Sea, consider-