Page 64 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 64

III.]            TON TO SINAI.                45

                            CHAPTER III.

                JOURNEY FROM TOR TO SINAI.

          Start from T6r—El Wadi—Fierce debate—Arab quarrels—El
            Ka&—Botany—Gumma Torrce—Mountains—Sir F. Hennikcr
            — Manna described by a Jewish Rabbi — Game — Bedowin
            Encampnient—Snakes—Anecdote—Mountain pass—Arrival at
            the Convent.

          SepL2lst, 1836. Mounting, with my baggage,
          on some camels which had been prepared for
          me, I quitted Tor to revisit, after a lapse of
          three years, my friends at Sinai. We halted
          at El Wadi for a short time to fill up our

          water-skins. As several tribes are connected
          with the conveyance of merchandize or pas­

          sengers through the peninsula, disputes are
          constantly occurring. We had, for instance,
          a fierce debate this morning: swords were
          drawn, and a most furious clamour ensued.
          The Arabs, however, though noisy and vio­
           lent in their gestures, seldom fall to blows,
           and become easily pacified ; and it is remark­

           able that, notwithstanding their sensitiveness
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