Page 79 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 79

60             SHERM TO SINAI.               [cii.

                  generally work up to this cape, whence, if
                  they have a fair wind, they run at once to
                  Kosai'r*, or otherwise they wait until they
                  obtain one. Travellers journeying to Suez

                  would do well to adopt this route during
                  the prevalence of north-westerly breezes,
                  here frequently of many days’ duration, and
                  rendering a passage through the Straits of
                  Jabal, and up the sea of Suez, both tedious
                  and dangerous.
                    Another advantage would be gained by
                  those so disposed, in the opportunity presented
                  of visiting the Monastery of Sinai, which may
                  be approached from Slierrn by two routes, viz.
                  Derb Warah, very indifferent, and in many
                  places scarcely passable, but preferred by
                  the Bedowins in consequence of the abun­

                  dant herbage it yields, or Derb Kedd, not
                  only considerably shorter, but the ascent,
                  with the exception of one pass, is gradual
                  through valleys of firm sand. The journey,
                  by the latter route, is estimated at two days
                  and a half, and the cost of a single camel
                  thence and back is four dollars.

                    It is erroneously supposed that Mount Sinai
                                * That is, “ the little castle.”
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