Page 80 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 80

iv.l            SHERM TO SINAI.               61

         may be seen at sea off R&s Mohammed, and
         also off T6r, but the intervention of the
         neighbouring hills prevents it being observed
         from any other spot than about eight miles
         to the north-eastward of Sherm, from which

         situation its summit may be distinguished in
         clear weather

            Near Sherm there are volcanic rocks which
         are not found in any other part of the penin­
         sula, and attention has been in consequence
         drawn towards them in Europe, but I could not
         trace their existence more than three miles
         from the beach. The country where they are
         found rises into mere hillocks, with none of
         the features we might expect to find in Sinai
         and its neighbourhood; I therefore attach but
         little importance to them.

            As the Palinurus was to remain here
         for some time, I availed myself of the op­
         portunity her stay afforded to proceed to
         Sinai; but in consequence of the recent
         departure of some pilgrims for Suez, I found
         at first a difficulty in obtaining camels, but

         the offer of a few additional dollars induced
         the Bedowins at length to bring them from
         some distance. I left the vessel on the even-
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