Page 85 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 85
were related to me of females who had
wholly devoted themselves to the charge of
the sick person; in which case they share
their quarantine together. Thus trusting
their recovery to nature, it will readily be
imagined that, of the number attacked, but
a very few recover; but in the Desert the
&• air is pure, and the intercourse much less
general than in towns; so that this, or any
other contagion, extends but a short dis
::: tance from them. The direction of the valley
through which we now advanced was north
west. A winter torrent but a few weeks be
fore had swept through it: trees torn from
their roots and deposited against hillocks of
sand, or other impediments which had ob
structed their career, and the wasted, shat
tered appearance of the banks on either hand,
afforded abundant proofs of the fury of its
y course. In the crevices of the rocks which
bound this valley there is a great variety of
1 flowers now in full bloom, which yielded a
delicious fragrance as we passed along.
% Several camels had been left without attend
I ants to browse on them: and they are at this
period so succulent, that those invaluable