Page 89 - Travels in Arabia (Vol 2)
P. 89

70              SHEKM TO SINAI.              [CH»

                        small pot and a circular iron for roasting the
                        berry. The use of this beverage is indeed
                        almost universal; and a few cups, with a pipe
                        of tobacco, to which their chiefs as well as
                        the poorer classes are passionately attached,
                        will, after the greatest fatigue, induce them to
                        remain up chatting the greater part of the
                        night. Yesterday our guides, thus employed,
                        did not retire until within two hours of day­
                        light, and we had packed up and left a short
                        time after sunrise.

                           The Bedowins were highly amused at the
                        pranks of the sailors I had with me. Ever
                        restless, these men could not endure the mo­
                         notony of camel travelling, and were continu­
                         ally seeking some expedient to divert it.
                         Every position was successively tried, and
                         some few falls were the result. All their mis­
                         haps or allusions had some reference to nau­
                         tical affairs. The appellations they bestowed
                         on the Bedowins, or received from them in
 3                       return, were a source of constant mirth. Our
 3                                                                                 1
 3                       venerable-looking Sheikh was not inaptly

 =                       termed Father Abraham. His real name was
 3                       Ibram.
                           Towards noon we commenced ascending a

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