Page 7 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol II
P. 7

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                  . ,Mostf of the footnote references arc to Foreign Office files. The following
                  is a list of abbreviations used in such references.
                      Aitchison.  Aitchison’s “Treaties Engagements and Sanads,” Fifth Edition.
                      A.M.        Air Ministry.
                      A. O.C.     Air Officer Commanding.
                      B. M.E.O.   British Middle East OfTice.
                      C. I.D.     Committee of Imperial Defence.
                      C.O.        Colonial Office.
                      C.R.O.     Commonwealth Relations Office.
                      F. O.      Foreign Office.
                     G.  of I.   Government of India.
                     G.P.O.      General Post Office.
                     I.O.        India Office.
                     Lorimer.    Lorimer’s “ Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf.”
                     M.C.A.      Ministry of Civil Aviation.
                     M. of T.    Ministry of Transport.
                     O.A.C.      A Collection of Oil Agreements and connected Documents
                                     relating to the Persian Gulf Shaikhdoms and the Sultanate
                                     of Muscat and Oman in force up to June 30, 1954.
                     P.G. 13.    Persian Gulf Historical Summary of Events in Territories of the
                                     Ottoman Empire, Persia and Arabia affecting the British
                                     in the Persian Gulf, 1907-1928.
                     P.R.        Political Resident, Persian Gulf.
                     T.C.        A Collection of Treaties and Engagements relating to the Persian
                                     Gulf Shaikhdoms and the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman
                                     in force up to the end of 1953.
                     u.d.        Undated.
                     U.K.H.C.    United Kingdom High Commissioner.
                     U.N.        United Nations.
                     u.n.        Unnumbered.
                                     All the Orders in Council and the King's and Queen’s
                                 Regulations referred to which were in force at the end of 1953,
                                 with the exception of those relating to Muscat, are printed in
                                 Supplement No. 1 to the Persian Gulf Gazette dated October 1,

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