Page 8 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol II
P. 8

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                                        VOLUME I
         Chapter I                                            Paragraphs  Page
               I. The Residency ..................................................  1-8  1
               II.  General Policy with regard to the Shaikhdoms  9-15      3
              III.  The Arab League and the Gulf Shaikhdoms ...  16-19      6
              IV. Miscellaneous                                  20-44      7
                     (a) The Persian Gulf Lighting Service       20-33      7
                     (h) Currency and Exchange control           34-39     11
                     (c)  Slavery ......................................  40  13
                     (d)  Arms ......................................  42- 43  13
                     (e)  Protocol......................................  43- 44  14
         Chapter 2
               I. General .....................................................................................  1-8  15
               II.  Internal Affairs ..........................................................................  9-30  17
              III.  The Zubarah Dispute ..............................................................  31-40  23
              IV.  Islands and Sea-bed ..............................................................  41-58  26
                     (а) The Hawar Islands ..................................................  41  26
                     (б) The Sea-bed between Bahrain and Qatar .............  42-47  26
                     (c) The Sea-bed and Islands between Bahrain and Saudi
                           Arabia ..............................................................  48-58  28
               V.  Oil..............................................................  59-76  31
              VI.  Relations with other States ..............    77-107    36
                     (а)  The Gulf States..........................  77    36
                     (б)  Saudi Arabia ..........................  78-81   36
                     (c) Persia ......................................  82-90  37
                     (ri) Iraq ......................................  91-92  41
                     (e) India ......................................  93-96  41
                     (/) Pakistan..........................      97-100     42
                     (g) The United States of America ...        101-106   43
                     (/I) France and the Netherlands              107       45
              VII. Miscellaneous ...............................................  108-152  45
                     (a)  Jurisdiction ....................................  108-111  45
                     (b)  Facilities for the Royal Navy ...      112-114    47
                     (c)  Facilities for the Royal Air Force     115-116    47
                     (id) Facilities for the Army........................  117  48
                     (e) Civil Aviation ....................................  118-130  49
                     (/) Slavery ...............................................  131  52
                     (g) Arms ...............................................  132  52
                     (/») Banks ...............................................  133  52
                     (*) Post Offices ..........................  134-135   53
                     (j) Telecommunications and Broadcasting     136-144    53
                     (fc) Medical and Quarantine                 145-148    54
                     (0 Nationality and Passports                149-150    55
                     (m) Ecclesiastical ....................................  151  55
                     (n)  The Pearl Fisheries ........................  152  56
         Chapter 3
                I. General ..............................................................  1-9  57
               II.  Internal Affairs ..................................................  10-36  60
              III.  The Neutral Zone..................................................  37-42  68
               IV.  Land Boundaries..................................................  43-56  70
                     (a)  With Iraq..................................................  43-52  70
                     (b)  With Saudi Arabia and the Neutral Zone  53-56     73
               V. Islands, Territorial Waters and Sea-bed        57-85      74
                     (a)  Islands ..................................................  57-79  74
                     (b)  Kuwait Territorial Waters ...............  80-81  79
                     8  Neutral Zone Territorial Waters           82        80
                        Kuwait Sea-bed......................................
                     (e) Neutral Zone Sea-bed..........................  84-85  80
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13