Page 10 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 10

312                        Records of Bahrain
                              If lie is to modify to any extent the terms on which Ibn Saud may aslc him to
                           receive back the tribe, he will be glad to be able to reply that ho cannot disregard
                           iho advice given him by the Government of India on such a matter.
                               10. I run sending a copy of this despatch to II. M.’s Secretary of Stutc for the

                                     Bushire, No. 100-S., dated the 25th January 1927.
                              Action proposed in paragraph 9 of your letter No. 517-S. [Serial No. (1), De­
                           cember 4th, 1920,] is approved. Letter follows.

                           Letter to the Hon’ble the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf, Bushire,
                                 No. G13-N.-Confl., dated New Delhi, the 20th January 1927.
                              In reply to your letter, No. 517-S. of 4th December 1926 [Serial No. (1)],
                           nnd in continuation of telegram, No. 100-S., dated tho 26th January 1927 [Serial
                           No. (2]j, I am directed to say tlmt the Government of India concur in the viewK
                           which you expressed to the Shaikhs of the Dowusir tribe and you arc accordingly
                          authorised to communicate them to Shaikh Ilamad in an authoritative fashion
                          us- the advice of the Government, at the same time assuring him of their support
                           in maintaining his legitimate position against his rebellious subjects.
                              2. Shaikh Ilamad has on  previous occasions acted with firmness against
                          members of the Dowasir tribe who flagrantly defied his authority , and the Govern­
                          ment of India consider it of importance that he should be cn6ouragcd to assert
                          himself in Bahrain affairs, and to pursue a right line of conduct in this instance,
                          us in other matters, from conviction that to do so is to his interest, and not merely
                          from deference to an authority imposed upon him from without.

                                                   M KMORANDUM.
                              The papers specified below were transmitted to the Secretary, Political De­
                          partment, India Office, London, for information of His Majesty’s Seccrtary of
                          State for-India, under cover of the foreign Secretary’s letter No. 7-M., dated tho
                          27th January 1927.
                               Letter from the Hon’blc the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf, No. 517-
                                    S., dated the 4th December 1920 [Serial No. (I)].
                               Letter to the Hon’blc the Political Resident in tho Persiun Gulf, No. 613-N.,
                                    dated the 20th Junuury 1927 [Serial No. (3)].

                          Letter from the Hon’elk the Political Resident in the Persia^ Gulf,.
                                      No. 87-S., DATED THE 27th March 1927.
                             I have the honour to refer to your letter No. 613-N., dated tho 20th January
                          1927 [Serial No. (3)], and the letter from this office to which it is a reply, No. 617-S.,
                          dated tho 4th December 1920 |Scriul No. (1)].
                             2. In paragraph 8 of Colonel Pridcaux’s lettor roforred to, it is statod that
                          Shaikh Hamad himself hud given a letter of recommendation to Shaikh Ahmad bin
                          Abdallah and to Khamis bin Shahin addressed to Ibn Saud. Tho anticipated letter
                          from Ibn Saud duly arrived in answer, and it is obvious that Ibn Saud had been
                          informed that Shaikh Hamad hud no objection to the return of tho Dowasir and that
                          it was only the British Government which objected and was forcing tho Shaikh
                          to their return, und that a letter of recommendation from him wotild
                         fltrcngfckon Shaikh Ilmnud's hands in gotting them back.
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