Page 218 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 218

520                       Records of Bahrain

                                  BUDGET - 1350.

                       Tho expenditure for 1360 has bcon'roduood to thu vory
                    minimum amount end no provision has boon mode for ony devo-
                    lopmentfl or now under to kingn, The total expenditure
                    h 832,516/- represents the ordinary roourrent exponocs of
                    the State including such itomo as nediool and educational
                    works, publio suourity eto. oto.
                       I. Allowances to Ruling Family. According to tho
                    oorro8pondonoo which has pansod on this subject tho Civil List
                    has been reduced by 10$ and all tho additional allowances have
                    been cancelled, tho total expenditure under the heading,
                    after tho roduotions is slightly over half the whole esti­
                    mated revenue of tho State for 1350.
                       II.   Protection.  Tho oetimatnd expenditure on protection
                     has been diminished by obout lu 30,000/- less than last year’s
                     allocation by moans of a large reduction in the Indian Police
                     Force end o slight roduotion in the naturs.  The Budget
                     allows for o foroe of 50 Indian rankB, with tho Commandant
                     of Polioe and Indian Officer, and  a  foroo of 50 local polioe
                     with Superintendent and about 125 naturs.
                        III Government denartnonta. The total allocation for
                     this heading shows n reduction of about fi* 12,000/- in compari­
                     son to tho previous your, this hoe been oohieved by a reduction
                     in the number of tho staff.
                        IY. Education. A reduction of Hi 10,000/- under thin head­
                     ing is mainly obtained by the State no longer having to pay
                     for tho eduontion of Bahrain studento nt Beyrout.
                        Y. Modi col. A roduotion of Ju 9,000/- hae been mode by
                     deoiding not to sond the hospital boat out to the pearl banka
                     for four months but to arrange for tho Indian doctor em tour
                     the banks in n motor lounch, threo timoa during onoh month of
                     the pearling season.
                        VI.  Munioina 11 ties.   Tho government subsidy of Hs 2000/-
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