Page 215 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 215

State finances, 1928-1932                 517

                         BUDGET - 1360
                              • ••

           Revonue.  Customs reooiptn include the 5customs duty,
           which is the mein source of revenue, pier fees, biladya
           tax and the royalty paid by tho Landing Company to the
             Tho budgeted figureu hnye boon eotinated by me aftor
           considering tho ootuol receipts of the first ten months
           of 1349, owing to my proceeding on leave before the ond
           of the eleventh month I am unable to examine the figures
           for the whole year,
              for the firct ten months of 1349 tho diatoms receipts,
           excluding Khnnohio, wore Hx 4,62,Q00/-.

              I have estimated in the Budget for 1350 that the customs
           reoeipts excluding Khanohia, will show a decrease of Hi
           fb 14.000/- throughout the oompletod year, when oompared
           with tho 1149 collections, presuming that the last two months
           1349 produce a similar average to the first ten months of
           that year.
              On customs reoeipts of Ha 5,40,000/- which is the esti­
           mated amount for 1350, the Khnnohio at the existing rate
           would amount to lb 60,000/- thus bringing the total oustoas
           rooeipta up to six laos only for the whole year; This six
           loos, with tho addition of tho other items of revenue whioh
           the Sts to derives from oil other sources would then fall
           ohort of the required sum whioh is absolutely nsooss&ry to
           oover the ordinary recurrent expenditure, whioh has been
           reduced to tho vory minimum aaount, by one Iso of rupees*
           Without drawing ogoin heavily on the Reserve fund *it would
           be impossible to cover the ordinary expenditure during the
           ooming year. The Revenue must be raised by one lao of

              On examining the State's present sources of inoone, opart

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