Page 211 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 211

State finances, 1928-1932                 513

                                        No,    I°S/sf of 1349*
                                        Offioe of the Advisor to
                                        tho Government, Bahrain.
                                        Do tod. C%         13W>

                    Tho Kinanoial Advisor to
                          the Governmont,
                                    Persian Gulf,

                    U. B. M's Political Agent,

                  I havo tho honour to forward herewith the annual
             report of the Bahrain Stute for 1349 together with new
             Budget for 1350,   This is the sixth budget whioh I
             have had the honour of submitting to you.
                  Tho yeur 1349 has been a very disastrous one finan­
             cially, tho rovonue of the State has decreased to an
             alarming extent.   With tho exoeption of work on tho
             Monamah-Muharraq road, the building of tho Quarantine •
             and the payment of tho balance of tho Manamah Electric
             sohoae, no important now works have beon carried out.
                  It has boon nooessory to.draw on the funds, whioh
             aro invested in Bombay, to the extent of Bs 1,70,000/-*

                  At the ond of 1348 the total balanoe of the State's
             funds was Es 3,40,365/- not including Bs 300,000/- reserve.

             At the end of 1349 the total balanoe was Bil,13,856/-/2;
             and a reserve fund of Is 3,00,000/-,

                  When making the budget for 1349 I was aware that the
             year was likely to bo a bad one and therefore I allowed
             for a deoroase in tho revenue of Bs 83,000/- less than
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