Page 206 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 206
500 Records of Bahrain
1347 • 1348*
hnnd Denar frnont. Do. 16,042/- Rs. 20,194/-
Pour extra survoyors were employed for oeven
moutho of the year and a largo oupply of stationery wns
purohasod from India. The rovenuo obtuined through this
• s
department shows a satisfactory incroaoo.
1348. ,
Judiciul and "mkvfs. P.o. 29,190/- Ra. 30,103/-
The payment of a sulury of Rs. 100/- per month tor’*
the proeidont of the Shio IVokuf Conittoo io the cause of the.
increaoe oyor the proyiouo year.
1347. 1348. ,
Kduoation. Ra. 57,883/- no. 80,769/-
Thio includes tv.o now appointments, that of Inspeotoxv*
of Education and also the tutor to the 30nu of R. E. Shaikh
linmod. Two now ochoole were opened und one sohool-hou8e wqb
built. The Budget jllocationh for 1340 wus Rs. 90000/-.
1347., 1348. ,
Municinolitipn. Rs. 59,037/- Rs. 60262/-
The subsidies paid to the Municipalities wero the
suno both youro, Rs. 2000/- per month to euch body, the
diiferonoo consists in the from the tobuooo tax and
motor tux in which both the Municipalities sharo.
---- 7. . 1348
l^dioal Sorvin»n Ro. 23,4-59/- Kst 221860/-; .
Deoreuoe of about P.o. 600/-.
1347. 1348. ,
Q.ontijgenoiQfl, Po. 3,996/- Rb. 7,905/- -7
Incluioo fcoot of a large supply of divers booko \printed
in India, cost of Passports and stationery, installation of a
telephone and purchase of u new safe and a new type>7rit0r.
Unkeen Of
Hs. 24,035/- Ka. 12,159/- ;
Cuntft» ii< ^U<^°3 U,'*Ce6p "’ol&oe Garden, ropuiro to Palnoa,,!j
salar'B T' Bnd GoT°rnenQt l^dingo, road repairs and.
nufai n‘*B'>«rs of Ruling Family for suporvinion of'.Tsli*.'^
. - V ^
' with separably.
^osmsaLLaigulu lifli
•Owing to lack of fundo purohaoo was ;oanpellod