Page 204 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 204

506                      Records of Bahrain

                                                            1348.        1347.
                                    Judicial Receipts.    Rb. 43,060/- Rb. 18,360/-
                                            The substantial inoreaoe over leot year la mainly
                               accounted for by ooveral important cooes in the Bahrain Court la
                               which lorgc amounts were charged in court fees, also c steady XQ1

                               inoreaoe* in the regintrution of properly oiiu ".'ilea. The feet
                               collected by the Land Department are included under this heading.
                                                            1340.    .   1347.     .
                                   Interest On Reserve.   Rb. 33,387/- Rb. 1?.,440/-
                                            Besides the interest on the actual Rooerve, which Tl
                               is :it present throe luc3, intorsst is derived from all fundo on *. *
                               Deposit Account in^footern Bank and Lloyds Bunk, Uoiabay. The

                               amount was undcr-vutiir.uted in^ths Budget no it was uncertain for
                               bow long the balance would be sent in itoinbuy •
                                                             1348.     1347.        .
                                                051  ' “  ■iU  ‘   3c. 13,636/- Ks. 23,898/-
                                             Thie includes the Royalty paid on the Oil Concessit
                               Ms. 10000/-, and also ground rents on land which is mostly oooupie*
                               by Ox^uutters in straw huts in the neighbourhood of the towns of
                               Menurosh and JHiharrak,
                                    Miscellaneous.  P.s. 14899/-.
                                             This includes repayment to the Government of
                                   uOOO/- which 7/*is spent on repairing the l.inri ‘•ater Channel*
                                There was some delay over  recovering the tot.»l amount from tho
                                -T-ircisne owners.

                                             Includes the r»r-le of several blanks alleys and
                                snsll pieces of grounds also three section;; of aca   lying inside tk«
                                new hiharrek rood which were purchased by the o«ner of the
                                adjacent. property.
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