Page 203 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 203

State finances, 1928-1932                505

                The roduotion in tho wholesale oost of coffee and sugar 1
          huu ronultod in a deorouno of Ro. 15000/- und Ha. 6000/- respective
          ly in Customs collootions,   Tho import of sugar in similar to
          that of tho previous year in spite of tho increased vigilanoe
          of the iersian authorities.  Looal export*to Persian ports do
          not seen to kayo been affooted as much as would havo been expeoted.
         Similar reductions in th© wholesale price of grain and tea hove
          reflected on the Customs collectiona and oansod a decrease of about
          25e,i from tho proviAqSyeur.
                  Native Craft ohows a satisfactory increase of Ro. 10,920/-
         mainly duo to the import of ghoo by native craft instead of by
                  Parcel duties shows a dsorease ofl almost Rs. 6000/- due
          to the deoroase in importation of luiurios.
                  Passenger Duggage shor/s a decree no of nearly Rs. 15000/-
          owing to the fact that carpets and abbas are now worth about 40j£
          leas than they were last year,   The fall in the prioe of carpets*?
          presumably owing to the general trade depression, carpets being a
          luxury find no market when money is tight.
                  The deoreaso of Rs. 10000/- in transhipment duty is Mainly
          due to the reoent war on the mainland whioh affeoted trade very
                  Misoelluneous includes Rs. 3000/- being sale proceeds of
         unclaimed cargo os well as the Harbour Sue of Rs. 10/- imposed on
          evory motor passenger launoh whioh is not registered in Behruin
         and whioh entoro the port.
            Othor Revenue Collected Bv Custome.
              Yohlirle Licenses. The import of oars, mainly Fords, is steadily
              Pearling Liocnoos.
                     The doorcase of Rs. 6800/- is due direotly to the bad
          P®orl season.  Many persons who took their boats out during the
          Previous boabon ore now unable to equip then*
              .Craft Registration. The total number of registrations was

          ^366, inoluding oraft of all descriptions.
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