Page 199 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 199

State finances, 1928-1932                501


                to Hi 1000/- per month as the Monamah Uunioipulity has
                become a comparatively wealthy institution*   The sub-
                sidy to Muhorrak Municipality remains at h 2000/- par
                month*  In addition to those sums they reooivo between
                thorn the tobacco tax and here the motor tax which amounts
                roughly to about Hi 4000/- per annum to each municipality*
                  Eleotrio Supply*   This includes entire ooat of running
                including salary of Engineer who is to be lent to the
                State for one year by Messro, Callender’s Cable and
                Construction CoJ. Ltd., Bombay.
                  Publio Works*   The provision for repairs to roeda
                and Government buildings, whioh inoludos the Customs,
               has boon reduced to the loast possible amount.
                  Compensation* This oovera payment orders, whioh are
                frequently modo by orders of U* E. Shaikh Hamad to des­
                erving persons whose oases ore heard by him and to
               victims of fires, wrecks and also to persons whoso pro­
               perty haa been wrongfully sold under tho late rejiae*

                  Special projects*- Muhorrak Road* The Government
               promised to assist the Muhorrak Biladye with a epeoial
               grant of Hi 40,000/- to pay for the sea road whioh was

               built along the Muhorrak foreshore.  Of this amount
               Ri 20,000/- was peid during 1348, re the remaining Ri 20,000/-

               is to bo paid in two instalments, half during 1348 and
               half during 1350.
                  Crane*   A crane has been required by the Customs
               for oduo time*   The import of motor care and of heavy
                oorgo is increasing and tho lack of a crane causes
               muoh inoonvenienoo and doloy*  A fee will be ohergod
               for its use and the ooat of purchasing it should be re­
               covered in courso of time*
                  Manamah-Muharrok Road*  Owing to lack of funds, it
               has been impossible to allocate a larger omount to
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