Page 194 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 194

496                       Records of Bahrain



                  I.  Customs Duty, including,
                        a.  Supervision feoo
                        b.  Sales of forms
                        o. Freight certificate
                        d. -uaonuuent feo3
                        0,  Certifioato foes
                        f. Kki»iiclii
                        t  Hemoll
                           Pier feoo
                        1.  Royalty charges
                      Total of ebovo                        lie. 8,30,000/-
                  II. Tuxeo on motor oers and driving lioensoo     5,000/-
                  Ul. Peorling lioonsos                           50,000/-
                   IV.  Boot registration                          3,000/-
                  I Y. Miscellaneous reoeipto, including
                                Harbour duos oto. oto.            10,600/-
                   VI.  Passport fees                             10,000/-
                  Hi.  vudicitil rooeint3 an^ Lend registration
                                                     foes         20,000/-
                   II.  Interest on ?ixed Deposits eto.           19,000/-
                   IIX.  Rents of Government lends, including
                              aerodrome, oil concession           12,000/-
                   IX.  Slectrioity                               31,600/-
                   •fl.  Loons recoverable                        33,969/-
                   31.  3ul«noo in Consolidated Fund, Bahrain
                                         from 1340                26,io2/- y

                                                           Rs.  10,51,331/-

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