Page 193 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 193
State finances, 1928-1932 495
I. Allowance to Ruling Family
Civil Lint
Allowances for religious footivuls Re. 5,00,000/-
II. Tutor to Ruling Family 5,800/-
III. Stnte Protection-.
Indian Poliou und Joil ns. 112,000/-
Equipment 500/-
Nature 53,000/-
Doportctiono l 500/-
Lighting 600/- 1,66,600/-
IV. Other Departments-*
Custorac Department Ra. 62,000/-
Secretariat 30,000/-
Lend Department 28,000/-
Judioial 8. Waknfs 32,000/-
Passport Department 5:000/- 1,67,000/-
V. Public Education 60,‘C0C/-
VI. Mediool Department 26,400/-•
VII. Contingencies, Stationery, Printing, etc. 4,000/-
VIII. Electric Supply 31,600/-
IX. Fublio Works-. ,
Ropairn to roads Re. 6600/-
" " bldga. 3000/-
Upkeep Gardens _____240Q/- 12,000/-
X. ttunioipalitiee, inoluding tob*oco
mid motor tax 44,000/-
XI. aJuhnrrak Sen Road 10,000/-
XII. Menomoh-muhnrrnk Rond 10,000/-
XIII. TTnforeeen expenditure 12,931/-
XIV. Compensation in oasen etc. 2,000/-
XV. Agriculture, wells oto. 4,000/-
XVI. Customs Crane 5,000/-