Page 191 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 191
State finances, 1928-1932 493
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No. of 1349
Offioe of the Advisor to
the Government. Bahrein
Dated. 20th Saffar, 1349
16th July, 1930
II. H. M’s Politioul Agent,
I have tho honour to forwurd borowith in triplioato my
annual RoportI for 1348 together with Budget for 1349. This
io tho fifth Budget whioh I have had tho honour to submit.
I was unable to oomploto it before owing to pressure of
Tho post year hod boon a bud one, financially, ond tho
expenditure boa boen heavy owing to cost of the olootrio scheme.
The (State completed tho year with » bulmoo to its orodit
of Re* 3,40,265/- us a gainst Rs. 5,50,479/- at tho end of the
proviouo year, end liubilitieo amounting to/J?s. 50,600/- due
for completion of elootrio work whioh will bo paid from tho
funds in Bombuy during 1349.
It has boon suggested that a Budget covering four or five
years uhoad should bo made. If the Revenue greatly exceeded
tho expenditure this oould be done but as may be seem in tho
new Budget the estimated itovenue only just oovors tho essential
expenditure, There is no possible matgin for any new large
sohomofl. The Soo Rood to Muharrak has been started and it is $
the most ordont wish of Shaikh Hamad that it should be ooapleted