Page 186 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 186

488                        Records of Bahrain

                                             . 4 .

                        Yl,ia method would be more difficult for Shaikh Mamed ao he
                        ,ould dislike picking out certain people for rcductionc.   For
                        example 1 /{'now that Shaikh Mamed considers the salary of Shaikh
                        Abdul la to be excessive but he does not like to alter it aaj if
                         !;e did so Shaikh Abdulla would probably cause trouble.  He has
                         9flcn mentioned this to me.  I myself could pick out a number of
                         persons who in my opinion do not deserve salaries  but I do not

                         suppose tlut Shaikh Warned would agree v/ith my opinion.
                            Another suggestion is thut the Civil List should be based

                         on the revenue, a definite percentage.
                            Another suggestion is that the whole amount should be paid
                         to Shaikh Mamed direct and he should administer it, but I doubt
                         If he v/ould ever agree to this system. If this were done he
                         could appropriate as much as he liked and pay what he wished to
                         hie relations. I think the people who would profit by this idea
                         nould be his/fMbv servants and hangers on.
                             I enclose a copy of the Civil Liet and allowances,   It is
                         difficult to explain who all the people are, many of them 1 have
                         r.cver seen, and some rarely visit Bahrain, living on the mainland.
                             The persons drawing pensions are mostly ex servants of
                         olaikh Isa, old people who v/ill probably not survive many years.
                             I personally think that it is more important to check
                         future increases than to reduce the present amount,   I think
                         ftaikh Mamed ought to guarantee that if a person dies his
                         'cir shall not draw more than a quarter the salary. At present
                         jeoplc drav/ing salaries consider that the salaries pass
                         tttomatically from father to son.
                             Shaikh Hamed should promise that the present^amount shall
                            be increased and that any new allowances sha.ll be made by
                         : .                                        past/-
                          Educing some present one. When a person dies^his salary,auc
                                nf .It, may be allotted to a ney/ applicant, but a certain

                          ‘•foportion of it shall revert to the State.
                             If ray first suggestion i3 not adopted, and Shaikh Hamed
                          fckes an official complaint about his finances, I ouggest that
                          r* should be tild to employ a suitable paid secretary,
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