Page 182 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 182
484 Records of Bahrain
; i to rcopcct the undertaking ho has several times XHHXYY1CJI
givon and no frequently disregarded viz, that ho shouldn.
not mako^Tncrouou without taking the advice of the
Political Agent. Ho oliould aloo agree that in the evont
i •*
of the death of an al Khulifa^hiu none uhould only
receive a quarter or half his allowances, and that for the
praoent that no further increnucu should be given without a
a reduction ol30whcrc to pay for it, and aloo, profcrably
by proclamation, announce that the State will not bo
bound indefinitely to pay ullowunceo to mci.ibcro of tho al
Khalifa who do not work for it.
At preuunt the. al Khalifa are breeding like
rabbits and the unfortunate State hac to oupport a
. rapidly increasing brood of utterly idle and worthless
11, I would have taken action before but I foci it io
batter that I oliould first rofer tho matter to the
l ' Political Heoident us, so far as I om aware, the Rooidcncy
have given no clear and authoritative orders on the
I subject, and it io obviouc that I oliould have tho full
support of the Residont if any action of mine is to bo
ouccoooful, I consider the oituution iu norioua. Last
yaur tho r*vrm».9 eh owed a slight shrinkage, and this
ye:;r hue opened badly, and it also appearo certain that
tho peijaling oouoon will not live up to the liopeo raised
by the Klmnchia; against thio wo have an extra half lakh
of unproductive expenditure to meet.
12. I should be glud if orders could be conveyed b
me before my departure to Karachi ao it will be more
productive of result thougli lose ploaoant for me to diu-
.: . i.r*•' V
-cuoe tho matter with tho Shaikh before I’ go.
> .
I have tho honour to bo,
Your moot obedient servant
:; •
Political Balirain.