Page 178 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 178
480 Records oj Bahrain
dk:,tiai.._ (M.fU'
No. of 1929.
Political Agency, Bahrain.
The 20th July 1929. - psr-irjCNc.Y. ■
/hr ■
From m
j l>*-m incM 1AL MIUJ8.__ ]
Captain C. G. Prior, I.A•»
Politioal Agent, Bahrain,
The Secretary to the
Jlon’ble the Political Rccidont
in the Persian Gulf,
I have* the honour to <lraw the attention of the
Hon'bio the Political Rcuidont to the Dcriouu cituation
in Bahrain cuuood by the ever increasing civil list.,
the dangerous results that will onouc unlcso early an
vigorous action ic taken in the muttor*
2. In his report on the Budgot, Ur. Belgrave shows
that the oivil list during the paot four ycaro has
risen as follows
1344 Ru 4,44,000
1345 " 4,34,000
1346 " 4,62,000
1347 M 5,15,000
It will be seen that in the last your the civil
lint has grown by some 12 % and inspitc Ur. Bolgravo^
poroiatent offortc an addition of over hulf a lakh hao
baen made to un already inflatod civil liot. The matter
has corns to a heud now, because Ur, Belgravo is again
being pressed to inoroaoo it and he hao told me that hia
powers uro now- exhausted and that failing definite action
by the politicul authorities ho wiUJHlHM|lGOd
to relax hio