Page 180 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 180

482                        Records of Bahrain

                               Shaikhs and other, items which need o. trained detective to
                               discover. This 5^ lakhs is roughly three timoo thut
                               paid by the Muocat Stute to ita ruling family and iu
                               more than half the budgettod income for the ycur, and
                               tlie time hao oomc tc tukc action.

                               5.       Hie Excellency hao juDt approached Ur. Uolgravc
                               for an incroaoe of his allowanccu. Last year hie total

                               income was 2,25,000 of which the amount from the Stato
                               waa 1,81,000, 32,000 from bio warkot property and the
                               reut from garden rente. Ho should have received another
 1                             16,000 hut a tenant went bankrupt. His expenditure during
                               the year wao 2,38,000 of which 25,000 was distributed
                               a3 prosento. Ur. Belgrave pointed out to Hie Excellency
                               that hie income from Bunrain was roughly the same ao
                               that of the Viceroy’s, but Hio Excellency who a aw in-
                               -congruity in their relative positionu immediately oaid
                               that the Viceroy almost certainly had land in England. I
                               quote thin to chow how little he roaliouu what a drain
                               he ic on the State, and liow littlo he dooo in return for
                               his puy. Ho might porhupo be told that oxcopting his cons
                               ana daughters,’ only uix of King George’s relations are
                                sujjported by the State.
  :                             6,      Ac regards the rect of the al Khalifa tho
                                situation ic infinitely worre, I find that this hordo of
                                idlo mouthc receive 28,072£per mensem from the State,  T’ ’ o
                                dooo not include the sums paid to certain of them to act
                                ac magistrates, for tho al Khalifa consider that thoy
                                should be handsomely compensated to givo up tho oloth that
 . .                            is their birthright, and will do nothing for tho State
                                unless suitably remunerated. In hio letter C 21 duted tho. .
                                21ot of January 1927 my predecessor infprnicd you thut all
                                the members of the al Khalifa considered thcmselYos entitled
                                by virtue of their birth to a share in tho loot of Bahrain.

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