Page 175 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 175

State finances, 1928-1932                 477

            Any drop, ouch rh a dtop in tho Cuotomo, l which would
            inevitably occur if, for instunco, tlic present Director
            wore  ruplacod by some ono lens qualified, ) would liavo
            a moot ooriouo effect au the expenditure hue fully kept
            paco v/ith tho increaood revenue, and would bo very difficult
            to retrench.
            4.       It will bu noticod that thoro io an item montion-
            -ed in the notoo on rovenuo called * Manama Buladia tobaooo ;
            tax of a ^ upon importu, • I havo discussed thio tax
            with tho Advioor, who agrees with me that it ia contrary •
            to tho Treatiaa which preocribo a 5 % duty. It iu aluo

            objectionable in that it givoo tho Baladia the idea that
            they havo a pooition in the Cuotoma which they arc not
            entitled to and onablesthorn to tax the rest of the Inlands
            indiroctly. I can find no traco of thio tax over having
            been sanctioned by the Agoncy, and co I euggeot that it
            be cut out of next years budgot. The 8tato will not suffer '
            as tho Adviser intends to paoa tho loss on to tho Baladia
            ( who already havo more money than thoy can opond and have .
            depouito of ovor a lakh.) and possibly to rcduca ono or

            two other of thoir smaller taxes.
            5.        Itogarding the allowancoo of tho Ruling family I
            havo much to say, and am submitting a oopuratu letter on
            the oubjeot. Ao Hr, Bolgrayc says, at the present rato of  *,
                                                                     . V.
            progreoo thoy will Doon absorb tho entire rsvenues of tho'..*-
            6.        Tho amount shown for eduoation is now 90,000
            rupooo, a sum considerably greater than that usually      . • •;
            Bpent by States with oimilar incomoo in India, I hope that .
            it will bo found by reorganisation in the Shiah Waqfu,;
            ( which are now  under popular control ,) to' arrango f'or-%'   ;
                                            *•            **.. f \   v,*   *
            moro primary eduoation boing undortakon by thorn from funds':-C
            hithorto misappropriated by tho olorioo who proyiouoly
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