Page 170 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 170

                         472                       Records of Bahrain


                                         oither to him or to mo.    It would bo of much
                                         help in modifying Shaikh nomad’a uncontrollable
                                         generosity, from Public funds, to thooo of hlo

                                         relations who are persistent enough in worrying
                                                Shaikh Hamad has no real idea of money
                                         values and it is difficult to por3uade him to
                                         give suitable attention to the financial affairs
                                         of the Stnto.    1 have only latoly, with much
                                         difficulty, mndo him learn how many lac3 of

                                         rupees are collected and spent each year.     The
                                         Budget is submitted to Shaikh Hamad and sanctioned
                                          by him and he keeps one copy himself, but he
                                          recklessly dis-regards it, conoldoring that as
                                          long as there is cash in tho Bank it can bo
                                          spent on any purpose quite rogardlesa of the
                                         projects which have been budgeted for.

                                                As regards his own finances I am certain
                                          that whatever amount Shaikh Hamad draws he will
                                          always think it insufficient.   >'or three years
                                          I have managed Shaikh Hamad's own private
                                          money affairs, at hia request,   When I advise
                                          economy he reminds mo that Shaikh Isa uoed to
                                          spend most of tho revenue on himself.   Shaikh

                                         Hamad fortunately, owes no money to anyone
                                          but he is spending every rupee of his income
                                          at present.   Latoly ho has suggested that all
                                          proceeds from saleo of property by the State
                                          should be paid to hio privy purse, not to the
                                          Treasury.   Personally I think this would bo
                                          unwise and an oncouragemont to sell land at
                                          any price.
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