Page 166 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 166
460 Records of Bahrain
Othor minor v/orks were U3 follows.-
1. Fencing of Palace garden.
2. Y/idening of bridge on Xdari Hoad.
3. Store room for Land Department materials
4. Construction of J mile mud surfaced
road on Mcni road.
5. Rebuilding a beacon off Budoya.
6. Rebuilding of bathing pool Urnrn al Uishum.
ldari Water Channel. The work on the water
channel was completed, The sides and bottom of the
channel have been built of cement on concrete
and this has resulted in a very great saving of
water. The work was paid for by the owners of the
property which is irrigated from ldari Spring and
the Government contributed Rs 2000/- as a return for the
road v/hich runs alongside the channel being put in
order. Cost Rs 21,000/-
Maharak-Manama Sea Road, This formidable
undertaking has not yet been commenced, Applications
has been made for the services of an Engineer from
the Government of India to advise on the practicability
of the soheme.
The distance is about one mile, across the sea
which at low tide becomes almost dry ground exoept
for a channel of unknown depth 3orae 800 feet wide v/hich
v/ould necessitate a ferry or a bridge, A very powerful
current rushes through this channel. The entire road
v/ould have to face the full strength of the shamal wind
and heavy soas. The whole population of Manama and
Kaharak are intensely anxious that this road should bo
Electric Scheme. Manama. A contract has been
made v/ith Messrs. Callender’s Cable and Construction
Co. Ltd for the electrification of Manama town. The