Page 164 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 164

466                        Records of Bahrain

  I                          Poroian propoganda in Bahrain.
                                    On several occasions H. 35. Shaikh Hamad has
                             ■been compelled to complain officially to the
                             p olitical Agent about the aggressively military
                             demeanou!f of the scholars and their habit of marching
  f                           through the tovm beating drums and flaunting Persian
                              gla flags in tho faces of the arab3.

  } •                                Mission School. The American Mission have
                              built a new school which is shortly to be opened.
                              The standard of education reached by students at
                              the mission school is very high and superior,at
  ; !                         present, to that at the State Schools.
                                     Technical education. There is urgent need for
  I]                          technical and agricultural education in Bahrain. At
 I                            present all masons, carpenters and engineers are
 u\                           foreigners; mostly Persians. The question of intro­
                              ducing some such education is now being considered.
  Is                                 10.   Contingencies. This item includes printing,

                              stationery, office furniture and transport, flags etc.
                                     A supply of stationery Y/as ordered direct from
                              London from a large y/holesale firm, and the cost v/as
                              found to be considerably cheaper than oithor Indian
                               or local prices.

                                      11.  Reservo. Only one lac was added to the
  '  i
                               Reserve fund during the year owing to increased
                               expenditure under various headings of the budget.
                                      12.   Public V/orks. The follov/ing ney/ v/orks
                               were completed during 1347 in addition to the usual
                               repairs on roads and Government buildings. There
                               is no regular Public Works Department but building
                               is done by local labour at daily rates under Government
                                      Customs import Shed,  Tho entire shed was re-
                               roofed with corrugated iron sheeting.   Most of the
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