Page 162 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 162

                        464                        Records of Bahrain

                             porioanontly in Maharak.
                                    9. Education, A largo inorease in expenditure,
                             exceeding the budgeted umount, is shown under this heading.
                             In this respeot I would refer to your letter Wo. C/211
                             of 1920 dated 19th October quoting the remark of the
  I                          Hon’ble the Political Resident that the estimate for

                             Education i3 very small considering the incorao of tho
                             State and that education is the dominant factor in
  :                                  The expenditure in 1346 was Rs 32,119/-
                                              -do-      1347     Rs 57,883/-
                                     A rapid striae has beon made in this direction
                              and the State’s expenditure has increase^ correspondingly.
                                     About 658 boys and 104 girls are now receiving
                              secondary education.
                                     Beyrout Students.   Eight students, three of them

                              from the ruling family and five sons of leading merchants
                              are being educated at State expense in the American
                              University at Beyrout.   The cost of the State, inoluding
                              travelling expenses, is about Rs 13,000/- per annum.
                              Tho reports from Boyrout are very satisfactory.
                                     One boy, whose father v/as a local merchant, is
                              being educated privately at a boys' school in Brighton.

                                     Girls School.   Three years ago the very idea of
                              a girls school v/as considered, especially by the people
  if                           of Muharrak^to be immoral and irreligious.   Owing to
   ?!                          the activities of Shaikh Abdulla bin Isa, President of
                               the Education committee, and one or tv/o travelled and
                               enlightened merchants a girls’ school was opened in
                               Maharak 3ome eight months ago.   The religious and
                               conservative element disapproved intensely and the
                               experiment v/as z/enounced from the pulpits of the mosques.
                               In spite of this sohool thrived.   Tho v/omen of the
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