Page 158 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 158
■ :
i 460 Records oj Bahrain
5. Judioial and Y/akfn,
Wakfs. Rs 4,500/-.
Tho Sunni and Shi a Wakf Departments aro at
proaont 3upportod "by the State though it is hopod
that soon the departments will ho paid for out of
the wakf proceeds.
Sunni. The Sunni wakfs aro still undor the
sole control of tho three Sunni Qadis who aro
assisted by two clerks and one of tho the Khalifah
Shaikhs. Of their activities, if any, little i3
I known. It is likely that in the near future a dif-
ferent arrangement will he made, The public are at
last becoming rootless at the mal-administrati on of
the wakfs and the time i3 ripe for the introduction
of an outside committee representing the general
public, who will work in conjunction with tho Qadis
III in supervising the wakfs.
The expenses of this department are born entirely
* by the State but when it is re-organised the expenses
should be paid from the wakf funds.
Shia. The Shia wakfs were previously held by
: the Shia Qadi until his 3Uddon death some six months
ago. After his death the wakfs woro temporarily
• i
entrusted to Shaikh Kohomed Ali l/Iodani^. executor of
the late Qadi, For some months no Qadi was appointed
finally tv/o Qadis v/ere chosen, Shaikh Abdulla and
Aly bin Hassan. The latter, on his appointment,
; stipulated that ho should have nothing to do with
Aftor some months Shaikh Abdulla a3ked that
the wakfs should be handed over to him. Ho was
persuaded to agree to a oommittoe of which he would
bo President, to act with him in administering tho