Page 154 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
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456 Records of Bahrain
mainland, and also tawwasha work with the pearling
fleets. Trips in ouch craft have been rnado from
Dahrain to Kuwait and roturn, to Bushiro and return
and to Dubai and return. I bolieve thero is a great
future for the Bahrain-built oraft oauippod with a
motor engine, but I would prof or to see ouch oraft
also equipped v/ith a sail.
"Governihant. Lands 3hew a decroasc of Rs 5,099/-
duc to oertain grants by Government of property
formerly under its control.
f $ "Revenue Miscellaneous shows an increase of
I Rs 4,702/- this account include3,
1. Baladia surtax of 2-/* on tobacco
2. Sale of Divers account books,
3. 1’assport foes.
"fho increase is mainly duo to the Passport fees
which have been collected during the past six
months only. The Customs collects the Baladia
Surtax on behalf of the Municipality of Manainah,
but reccivsd no payment for this work.
! 1
"Generally, I think the steadiness of the above
receipts shews that the prosperity of the State
of Bahrain is maintained, consequent on a reasonably
: good pearling season in 1347. The relations between
the Customs and the mercantile community are good."
RENTS OF GOVERNMENT LANDS. This includes Rs 10,000/-
being Boyalty paid by the Eastern and General Syndicate,
v on their oil concession. The balance consists of rent
from the confiscated property of the Khalid Shaikhs.
LOANS. For some years past the Government
*: has lent Rs 15,000/- at the boginning of the pearling
season, to Mohomed bin Subah, the headman of the Bin Ali
tribe, a leading Narkhuda.
Rs 6000/- was lent to Shaikh Abdul Latif A1 Dosri,
the headman of the Dawasir at Budcya.
Rs 4000/- was lent to Ahmed bin Khalifah al Gattara
a relative of H. E. Shaikh Hamad, one of the few members
of the Ruling Family v/ho is in tho Pearl trade.
INTEREST^ Interest paid on Deposit Account,
Reserve Fund and other funds held in Bombay by Lloyd's
Bank and Eastern Bank.
Sales of Government Land. Proceeds from sale