Page 151 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 151
Stale finances, 1928-1932 453
Notes on revonue collected.
The following is a comparison of the total revenue
collections during the last four years.
1344 Rs 10,62,000/-
45 11,92,000/-
46 12,40,000/-
1347, T- 12,16,000/-
The following i3 from information supplied by the
Director of Customs.
"Comparative statement of receipts (Customs)
Yoar 1346
Steamers’ Cargoes Rs 6,47,903. Rs 6,25,786.
Native craft 1,04,550. 1000,091.
Parcels Duty 22,649. • 25,362.
Passengers' Baggage 37,662. 53,990.
Export Duty 3,781. 2,878.
R.E.Duty 73,128. 78,066.
Miscellaneous 4,440. 5,145.
Import Yard 1,64,566. 1,68,127.
Total Rs 10,58,679. 10,59,445.
"The abovo comparison shev/s an increase for 1347 over
1346 of Rs 766/-.
"Steamers' cargoes shews a decrease of Rs 22,117/-,
this decrease is mainly due to
1. decrease in the import of ballam rice by
about 5y»
2. in Rangoon rice by about 10£ and
3. in coffee by about 20^.
In 1346 the wholesalers were well stocked; and in
the last month of 1347 thero was a slump in sale
prices co-incident with a falling off in the demand
from the mainland, probably owing to the present dis
turbed conditions, and consequently local merchants
stopped importing. I have no figures available, but
I fear that Dubai merchants are attempting to compete
with Bahrain for the RE ports' trade, there being no
import duty, as such in Dubai.
Native craft cargoes, shew a decrease caused by
1. direot transhipment at sea,
2. tho Manama Baladia tax upon imports of
tobacco of 2?o. This tax is levied upon
imports of tobacoo whether intended for
consumption in Manama or otherwise,
the tax especially affeots the imports of Batna tobaooo
whioh ordinarily is of a little better quality and con
sequently more expensive than the tobacco and cigarettes
imported from Europe. The municipal tax makes this kind
of tobacco still dearer, and smokers naturally buy the
cheaper European produot. I oonsider the loss of duty
through this position is about Rs 3000/-. The import
of fish oil has considerably decreased owing, I am told,
to an insufficient rainfall on the Africal' ooasts.