Page 152 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 152
454 Records of Bahrain
"Parcels duty shewn an increase of Rs 2,713/-,
mainly due to on increase of luxury articles such
as perfumes etc.
"Passongors Baggage shews an increase of Rs 16,320/-,
duo to closer supervision of Persian craft, which
are now made to anchor closer to Manama Pier, and
are inspected at soa, whenover possible, by the
Passport Officer, who hires a launch for this pur
pose. Tho necessity for a Stato Launch is thoroforo
Justified. Also, a large quantity of ghee i3 brought
here from Busreh as passengers' deck cargo, and the
duty thereon falls under this head.
"Export Duty shews a decrease due to slackness in
export of oystershclls to Europe. This of courso
docs not include pearls or specie on which no dutjr
is charged.
"RE duty shews an increase of Rs 4938/- partly due to
tho concession granted to al Qasoyby to import a
consignment of rice for H.M. The Sultan of Najd, all
of which bags of rice were of special weights, and
partly due to the secure situation of Bahrain for
trade purposes.
"Miscellaneous includes an increase of Rs 600/- in
supervision fees, due to facilities granted by the
Customs for landing bulk cargo at private wharves
under supervision.
"Import Yard Charges shew an increase. These charges
aro levied on the nature and size of the packages, and
naturally vary considerably. Included therein is
H. S. the Deputy Ruler's Royalty tax on Agents' Landing
Charges, amounting this year to Rs 6558/6/6 of which
Rs 5538/9/6 yrere collected from the Agonts of tho B.I.
S.N.Co. Ltd., and Ellerman Strick Lines (The Mesopotamia
Persia Corporation Ltd) representing their collections
of Rs 1,10,771/14/- in Landing charges.
"Cargo directly transhipped at sea, but within the
three.mile limit of the port, i3 not liable to any duty,
and this has a distinct effect upon Customs Receipts,
notably in the case of oil etc., brought here by British
I Tanker Steamers from Abadan,a I hav* alroady sub-
mitted a note upon this point.
J. "During the year 1347, 118 steamers entered this
port, and the collections were.-
Steamers Import RB Duty, Capital Total
duty value
,c°.Ltd. 77 5,25,904/- 76,224/- 105,19,680/-
l 143,30,880/-
* line 20 46,381/- 1,842/- 9,27,620/-
■tfle 7 42,043 nil 10,19,720/-
5 *anker 14 10,578 -Ml______ ______ 2,11.560/-_
£18. 6,25,786/- 78,0660- 164,19,020/-