Page 157 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 157
State finances, 1928-1932 459
magistrates, amirs, and presidents of Courts etc.
The inoreaoo of Rs 45,425/- ovjcr the budgeted amount
i3 explained in a separate note.
An additional sum of about Rs 16,000/- was paid to
H, E. Shaikh Hamad for additional building to his
houses in Muharrak and Sakhir and also for purchase of
a metal fish market. The present market, which is the
private property of H. E, Shaikh Hamad has for several
years been in a dirty and unsanitary condition. It
was thoughtthat the State should assist in this matter
in the interest of public health.
The total amount paid to the Ruling Family from
State funds during 1347 was Rs 5,14,569/-
2. Customs Department. The Customs expenditure
shows an increase of Rs 6,6r' over the previous year.
This is results from the following reasons.
(1) automatic increase of increments of
senior members of staff.
(2) increase of staff to deal with passport
v/ork. Until the middle of 1347 the
Bahrain Government did not deal with
(3) employment of several local youths from
Government schools as paid apprentices
in order that they may be eventually
substitutedfor 3ome of the foreign staff,
3. Seore bariat. No appreciable difference
between 1346 and 1347. The expenditure is about
Rs 600/- less than budgeted amount.
4. Land Department. Rs 16,042/-. This shows
a saving of Rs 3,070/- as compared with the previous
year. No new instruments wore purchased in 1347 and
fewer eurvoyors wore employed.
It is hoped that the registration of all the culti
vated area will be completed during 1348. The superin
tendent of this department i3 at presont on leave but
°h his return at the end of the summer the survey
V/ork will bo b resumed.