Page 159 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 159
State finances, J928-1932 461
tho wakfs. Tho country people objcotod to tho
Qadia presidiragy and appealed to Shaikh Hamad.
Finally the Government decided that neither Shaikh
Abdulla or Shaikh J.iohomed Aly should control tho
A committeo v/a3 appointed consisting of
3ix persons from the villages and four persons
from Manama and tho wokf3 were handed over to
their charge. A local merchant wa3 chosen as
treasurer hut no president was appointed in order to
placate the feelings of the Qadi and Shaikh Mohomed
Ali both of whom are satisfied as long as the other
i3 not in control.
The arrangement was successfully accomplished
about a month ago and so far there has been no
serious opposition.
An attempt v/as made about four years ago in
Major Daly’s time to alienate the wakfs from the
Qadi but it roused suoh furious opposition that
the suggqstion v/as hastily dropped.
The expenses of this department, pay of
olerk etc. are born by the State.
Judicial Rs 24,690/-
The amount of litigation in the Bahrain
Courts seems to increase yearly. During 1347
1064 new cases v/ere taken by the Bahrain Court
\and 282 cases by the Bahrain Small Court in addition
to a large number of old cases.
This item includes the pay of Magistrates,
Qadis, Presidents, paid members, olerks and
menials of the following courts.
Bahrain Court.
Bahrain Small Court.
Sunni Shera Court.
Shia Shera Court.
Mojlis Tijara
Diving Court
Small Joint Court.