Page 156 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 156

                        458                        Records of Bahrain

                                           Notes on oxpondituro 1347.

                               Tho total expenditure during 1347 was Rs 11,82,214/-
                             which         includes ono lac transferred to the
                             Reserve fund in Bombay.
                               The actual expenditure in several cases  greatly
                             excoeded the budgeted amounts,
                                   item                Budgeted           actual
                                                        amount         expenditure.
                              Allow: to Ruling family Rs 459,064/-     5,04,489/-
                              Judicial Department        25,500/-        29,190/-
  i '
                              Education                  40,000/-        57,883/-
                              Upkeep of buildings
                                   and roads.            10,000/-        24,835/-
                              Unforscen                  29,436/-        41,704/-
 !•                             These differences are explained below.
                                There is tendency to consider that the Budget of the
                              Bahrain State is elastic and that as long as the total
   -.                         estimated expenditure is not exceeded, small attention
                              need be paid to over expenditure under various headings.
                                Some time ago it v/as suggested by the Hon'bio the

                              Political Resident that a budget should be made for three
                              years in advance.
                                     This could be done but it would be quite impossible
                              to adhere to it; at present it is only with very great
                              difficulty that the actual expenditure is kept within
                              a reasonable distance from the budgeted amounts.

    s                            The following notes explain the various items of
                                 1.   Allowances to the Ruling family.   Rs 5.04.489/-.

                                 This amount does not include the additional allowances
                               fiade to those persons who hold paid posts as magistrates,
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